Teachers Care 4 Students

                Care for Children                         

The Reading:

I found this article very interesting because it is something I have never read before. Plus it is from our lovely teacher (: I also believe this is an interesting article because I have grown up in Rhode Island and only known Rhode Island ways so it is awesome to see how other states do things.  I really liked the idea of the teachers drawing artwork to express themselves. I think this is something done well. For example, Eli's Teacher map really stood out to me because I can connect to it as an educator but as a student I can also understand it very easily.  Uniforms are really important as we have to dress a certain way. For example, at my internship, if I do not wear my t-shirt I will get written up, but the trust is the kids do not care if I am wearing a bright orange t-shirt so who is it i am wearing the shirt for? Eli's image showed he cared for the students by watching his tone and showing he has a heart. To him, his reputation matters. The kids may not realize it but every little thing we do when around them is our personality tweaked a little bit to fit their needs. For example, If a teacher liked skeletons, they would not wear that on their clothing until they learned their classes needs.  These maps help to show how teach teacher takes their own steps in doing this process.

At My Internship: 

One thing the YMCA is really good at is offering many choices to the children. I believe this helps to show care in all opinions are valued.  By having options children are allowed to pick what they want and they are not stuck doing an activity they do not enjoy. Of course, if a child chooses to color everyday we will try to suggest another center but never force them to get up and move

Things to Improve as a whole:
Listening to the children. This is a big issue for me. Many staff take what the children say too lightly. For example, a child was telling me they wanted to harm them self. When I reported this to the coordinator (since I am not allowed to talk to parents only the coordinator is {this is a step back for me from my old job}) All the coordinator said was "wow the things the kids say nowadays, I wonder where that child picked that up"
   *This made me really upset,  yes the child could have been just repeating something but at eight/ nine years old they could be seriously going though something in life and this statement should at
least be brought up to a parent

I also believe we should allow children to express their own thoughts more often. They do not get to pick the activities... only get to pick between the ones a staff member puts out.

Staff can also show they care by getting along. Right now staff does not really see eye to eye and I am not sure if they ever will. If anyone on this post has some suggestions, please let me know. My boss has less experience than me. Wont let me run the work I've done for my internship. How can I get here to see the work I am doing is to help the children? Not that I want to over step the coordinator.


  1. I really enjoyed your blog post Haley! We both work for the YMCA so I feel like we have had similar experiences and similar feelings towards the program itself. I like the fact that you listed things to improve on, because I couldn't think of anything since I've only been there for a few weeks.

  2. I really like your blog post haley you really looked at this from different aspects and i thought it was really awesome how you related to some of the article.

  3. I really like your post too! I liked how you shared what we can improve on as whole. Great job!

  4. Hi Haley!

    I really enjoyed your post, especially the improvements part. It sounds like your internship needs to do more staff bonding and community building activities. Maybe this would help the staff see eye-to-eye and improve the overall experience for the children? Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi
    I really enjoyed the way you wrote and the way the style of the writing. Also, the way to talked about improvements too.


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