As an event I went to the Elks Lodge in South Kingstown on September 23rd to help raise money for Parkinson Disease. It was hosted by the Elks and by the South County YMCA, which I also work for. I actually got paid to attend this event and to help set up children's events. We had a blow up soccer field where there were sides so the ball would not go too far. This was self fun. We had a small bounce house where two children were allowed at once and a craft table. That is where I spent most of my time. We made spinners to hang in trees out of paper plates and decorated them with dot pant (bingo markers). We also made puppets out of sandwich bags and paper plates. We had tape, markers, crayons and scissors for the children to craft with. One factor that made crafting hard was the element of being outside and the wind. The paper would blow away unless a heavy object, like a rock was on it. The children favorite aspect of the day was the magician that came. He really drew they children in by getting them involved. He had purposely planned these play activities to get the children to be amazed and they all wanted to be on stage. (boxing for Parkinson) AWESOME!!!!
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