Ideology 4 me

How do I feel about this IdEoLoGy?

I feel good! my numbers were 13 for A, 12 for B, and 11 for C so all of them were really close so I believe that makes me a very balanced person as no number was way off from another. I believe this is great because it allows me to see youth though everyone's eyes and to see every viewpoint. When I write this I think about parenting and how every parent has a different style and how they raise their children. None of the ways are wrong. Just different and that is what makes this work interesting.

The catalog I got the lowest number in was Critical Youth Development. If I had to pick one category, I do believe this is the group I lean to after reading the horoscope facts. The one sentence that really stood out to me from this group was "how can adults and youth work together to negotiate..." I LOVE this sentence because as adults we have to work as adults to understand youth. They are not adults yet, they do not have to understand on our level. Let us get down to their level and see where they are coming from and work form there.  Although this is really important to me and does stand out, I do fully stand by what I said earlier, to have a good youth program, one must understand all categories to be a good youth worker. 


  1. Hi Bailey-

    I also loved that sentence from the critical youth development horoscope. I think understanding that youth are not on an adult level yet is very important. Also giving them a voice and allowing them to be a part of the change is very important. Loved your post! Great job!

  2. Hi Haley,

    I really love what you wrote about the critical development horoscope. I think when we think about the youth we should be at their level as adults. Also we can help them have a voice, so I also agree what Julie has said, because it so true when you are an adult and you want to be with youth you should be at their level.


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