
Showing posts from September, 2017

"Leading with" Youth In Action

Youth in Action leads by letting the Youth lead. The youth our the future. How can we make changes if we don't know the current situations? Sure we can hear stories but we are not living it. YIA teams up with its youth to hear about the issues they are dealing with daily so they can address them and create workshops to help create a better environment. Basically, YIA makes sure youth are involved every step of the way and that is how they lead. 


I was pushed.. for so long I had people informing me about the youth development program. Probably, since my arrival at RIC.  I didn't want to hear them. I didn't know what youth development was and it did not sound interesting. Development? I have to know what stages youth go though WHAT?!?! I Started Teaching.. When I started teaching at a daycare I was shocked at all the standards that even 3 month old have to meet. Why do we have standards for thee year old? Why are we documenting their strengths and weaknesses? Why do they have a writing domain?  Holding a toy the wrong way means they wont be able to write?  Why does every bumble bee craft in the four year old room have to look exactly the same? cant some have two heads? Some have 4 wings?  Why cant the children learn though their own creative minds. Why do they have to learn and complete activities exactly how the teacher has them planned.    Docum...

Post #3 Play

I have worked with youth in FIVE different settings: 1) Daycare - This is the first job I had that was paid to work with youth. I got to experience working with all ages while at this center but I soon found a room that I fit into which was ages one and a half to two years old. I was shocked to find out this is where I would fit in as I have always thought it would be the older kids I would have a connection to. Here I had to make curriculum biased off the RIELDS. Every month we had a theme and the children learned to help me set up activities. I learned their likes and dislikes and planned activities around that to help them grow as little humans. Play was used in each center. Like the children in the article , the children here too practiced dramatic play. 2) Public classroom - The time I got to work in this classroom was in a providence public school. I was in a third grade classroom where I worked with all the students for 4 weeks before they assigned me to one stud...

Post #2 Stereotypes

3 Stereotypes of Youth:  They (youth) Can not be trusted  "Youth are to be feared, controlled, contained, and as Nathan noted, "Kept in." (Steinberg 269). "Young people are self- indulgent and uninvested in more sophisticated "adult" concerns" (Bogad).  Why we believe them: Media -magazines, television, music, movies, etc.  They tell  stories on how teens are believed to act Old Traditions -  older generations telling how youth act.  Believe in "motions" youth have to go though  "We believe we know youth- we once were youth" (Bogad). "Psychological and biological assumptions" (Bogad). - this is youth having to act a certain "because they are youth" Things that have been thought.  My Memory: As a youth I was often not considered an equal by an adult.  An example that stands out to me is when I was 18  and working at Kohl's my senior year of high school.  While I was inside wo...

POST #1 Youth Work

What are the SEVEN                       Characteristics of Youth Work ? 1) Education -   Theses are when methods of play and activities are used "it stimulate informal education and learning (page 2). 2) Social -   This is finding activities and things that youth can relate to. Places they want to show up to. Thus they do not feel forced to be here. " young people themselves generally associate with their peer groups and  this provides a useful starting pint for engaging with them" (page 3). 3) Challenges inequality (involvement) -   This is getting a community to come together. We are all one and want to support each other.  Instead of differences tearing us apart, create activities that untie us together. " seek to address power imbalances rather than merely say or do the right things to avoids unlawful discrimination" (page 3). 4) Strengthens youth voices/ Influence ...

About Myself !

Haley's About me My life and Internship  πŸ˜»πŸ‘°πŸ‘ŒπŸ’œπŸŽ΅πŸΈπŸ‰πŸπŸŒŠπŸ™ˆ Where I eat sleep and breathe (work) and Internship